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EasyProjectDatabase Access Database

EasyProjectDatabase Access Project Database


"EasyProjectDatabase Access Project Database"
zagruzit.com Editor: EasyProjectDatabase (Access Project Database) features include:

-Track Issues, errors, defects, Risks, Tasks, Change Requests, Assumptions, constraints, Action Items. <Br>-Scalable categories, priorities, departments, projects, contacts and status.
-Record Locking for multiple users. Create custom reports record-filtreleme. advanced
-Track all record changes.
Send e-mail directly to a record.
-Pop-up Calendar for easy date input.
Insert the per-record 12 file links - A link to the files LAN, WAN or Internet (all file types supported).
-Admin Screen with password protection.
-No installation program required.
prepared by a certified Project Manager.

Download DEMO Access Database 8.3 download free www.EasyProjectDatabase.com EasyProjectDatabase Now you can.

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